
​Full and dense hair forever!

​free Consultation

​Why a hair 

​Hair loss can be a stressful experience for both men and women, and in most cases genetic factors are responsible. While early adulthood marks the beginning of thinning hair in men, hair loss in women often kicks into gear during menopause. 

Fortunately, thanks to advanced technology, we have found a permanent solution to reverse this condition - hair transplantation! Just 6-12 months after the treatment, you will look as good (or better!) as you did before the hair loss.

​Applied methods

​With the most advanced methods for the best hair results

Saphir FUE

​This method uses a fine sapphire tip to open tiny channels in the areas affected by hair loss. The new hairs are later inserted into these openings. The method enables the highest hair densities and growth rates.


​This method uses a fine sapphire tip to open tiny channels in the areas affected by hair loss. The new hairs are later inserted into these openings. The method enables the highest hair densities and growth rates.

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